Shutterstock - Stock Photos 12+

Images, Illustrations, Vectors

Shutterstock Inc.

    • 4.7 • 1.8K Ratings
    • Free
    • Offers In-App Purchases



The best way to discover and purchase royalty-free images and videos on your mobile device. Browse over 310 million high-quality stock photos, illustrations, vectors, and videos from one of the world’s largest subscription-based stock library. Buy your content and share it easily—all within the app.

Explore high-quality stock images and videos, as well as expertly curated collections.

310+ million images and 17 million videos
Search a comprehensive library on the go: millions of royalty-free photos, images, illustrations, and videos.

Buy single images and videos, and access them on any device.

Save your content on both your desktop and mobile.

Create collections
Add your favorite images or videos to collections—organize, share, and download them anytime.

Fresh content
With over 150,000 new images and 70,000 new videos added daily, you can find everything your projects need.

Get inspired
Written by industry experts, our blog is filled with tips for artists, designers, social media experts, marketing managers, and more.

What’s New

Version 5.9.2

Bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Ratings and Reviews

4.7 out of 5
1.8K Ratings

1.8K Ratings

pdgarrod ,

Continual password resets driving me crazy

I’ve given up on this app. I’ve had requests to reset my password come in every few days for no obvious reason - comments on the website suggest this is a common problem. It’s not worth the aggravation.

BetteB3 ,

Not impressed

I’m sure this App is great if you plough through a lot of images every month but it is terrible for small businesses who need an image now and again. I signed up for the free trial because I wanted to buy one image. There is no option for this. I forgot to cancel the plan after the fault...but I then turned off auto renewal thinking the plan would be stopped. I just got billed again. You also HAVE to use up your image allowance every month, it does not roll over. I now have to download ten images to get my money’s worth this month otherwise I will have paid over £20 for the privilege of nothing. Large companies yes, I’m sure it’s great. Small businesses I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole. It’s not clear how to cancel....oh and if you miss the deadline for cancelling the free trial, you get charged £20 for that privilege too! It’s a company that operates like car insurance. I am thankful that as a one off favour they wavered my £20 cancellation fee, but I don’t think this is a great system. I’d use again if you could buy an image at a time but doing it this way is very, very expensive!

asdfghjkl- Not Happy ,


For those of you thinking of getting a monthly subscription, just a WARNING, when you cancel the monthly subscription early they charge you £20 + any taxes (this is stupid btw, because why would you get penalized by cancelling early? And if you forget to cancel on time, they still charge you regardless?).

I’m sure whoever came up with this idea of charging extra for cancellation is a "genius" in this company. But although that fool may have gotten a small win from a lost customer, he/she have simultaneously built bad will. And that isn’t good long term. Make sure your superiors get that. One bad review will 10x itself. Maybe more.

App Privacy

The developer, Shutterstock Inc., indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Purchases
  • Location
  • Contact Info
  • Search History
  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • User Content

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More

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