So far so good
My iPhone8 started out to have the usb plug to the box stopped working and they sent a new box 2 weeks after that then. I had acp and lifeline combo and i have very slow data not 5 gs either not with iPhones 8 guarantee then I looked up my plan and I’m sopose to get $30 worth of government phone or life line and it’s not I looked up the plan and it’s only $10. So I’m confused to why I get 15 gb for $10 thru the federal government lifeline and its sopose to be $30 minimum for lifeline and I got screwed. If they don’t fix it I will take this phone and trade it in for different service provider and get my federal government assistance phone program by switching. Please give it back to me as $10 isn’t part of government federal assistance I want what everyone else is getting .