Cheapflights: Flights & Hotels 4+

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With 25 years of experience, we're ready to help find your perfect trip. We search hundreds of sites to find travel deals you'll love!

Cheapflights searches hundreds of travel sites to show you your options and let you pick what works best for your trip. Track prices, set a budget, build your itinerary and more.

Get the flight you want: Compare flight options from hundreds of sites then zero in on the best one for you by using our filters.
Hotel rates only on the app: Find mobile-only prices from select hotels.
Car sharing: Search car sharing alongside traditional agencies for more options (and maybe better prices).
Know when prices change: Track search results for your trip and get a notification when prices change.
Search on your budget: Only have £300 to spend? Cheapflights Explore will show you your flight options, on any budget.

Flight tracker: Get alerts when something about your flight changes or track flights so you can see if you’ll make your connection.
Trips offline: All your ticket confirmations and reservations loaded into Trips are accessible regardless of whether or not you have Wi-Fi.
Measure your bag: Direct your camera at your hand luggage and we’ll let you know if it’s the right size for your flight without incurring a fee.

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Find flights, hotels, holiday rentals, hire cars and more - then filter by what matters to you most. Like a pet-friendly boutique hotel with a pool. Or a 5-door car with airport pick-up to get you on your way. We bring together great deals from your favorite travel sites in one place.

With filtering and flexibility options, you can quickly search and book what works best for your trip.

Find mobile-only rates and exclusive deals on the app. Set Price Alerts to know when prices drop on the flights, cars and hotels you’re interested in.

Our Trips tool puts all your plans in one place. Get alerted to flight and gate changes, access boarding passes both on- and offline, and share your itinerary with friends – all in one spot. You can sync your inbox or manually add any part of your trip - from tour and restaurant confirmations to notes on things to see.

Search from over 70,000 locations to find the perfect rental car. Book risk-free by filtering for free cancellation policies.

See your accommodation options from major hotel chains and resorts to local boutiques to apartments, cabins, beach homes and more. Filter for free cancellation if you’re worried plans will change.

Plan your next trip with Cheapflights. Download now to start planning a great trip.

What’s New

Version 256.0.0

We've been busy paving the runway for your next great escape! We're excited to present the latest version of our app, tuned up and bugs squashed, providing you a smooth and seamless experience.

Ratings and Reviews

4.8 out of 5
10.4K Ratings

10.4K Ratings

Gwl500 ,

Agents links and shockingly poor support service

The coronavirus has highlighted the short comings of many agents that are used via links from this site. I’ve found that agents typically either don’t respond to emails about refunds on cancelled flights or if they do they give you virtually no hope of ever resolving the issue to comply with the law which is particularly unhelpful when agents and airlines can be located on the other side of the world. Cheapflights needs to ensure that agents give assistance if required or remove them altogether. Rest assured travellers will not forget bad experiences and social media will play a big part in reminding potential travellers of the pitfalls of using flight comparison sites like Cheapflights promoting cowboy travel agents.

Not satisfied with the app ,


I booked my flight ticket through the Cheap flights app and they connected with a travel agent called DREAM WORLD TRAVEL BASED IN LONDON.
So on the 28th April I purchased a flight ticket with a travel agent in the name of Dream world travel based in London.
They have sent the payment invoice and booking confirmation reference number except for my ticket. Having sent many emails to them previously regarding my E-Ticket on 22nd July they told me that they will send me the ticket one month before I travel.

At present I have around 45 days left before I travel home to India. Again I sent the email regarding my ticket only to be told that:

Statement Issued By The Director
Please note that by reason of its insolvent financial position, the Company has ceased trading and will no longer be providing any services to future or existing customers.

I have paid around £840yet it seems very unlikely I shall be able to travel due to the limited time I now have left, along with the lack of cash at this time.

Unfortunately I didn’t pay with a credit card instead I used my Debit card, the reason for this been I do not as yet have a credit card.
After been asked by my work colleagues how are your holiday plans are going, they where shocked to find out about this situation.
I have shown them the email stating the fact this company appears to have ceased trading as such.
They have suggested that I alert my bank to this been a scam.

jocky5682 ,

Regular travel

I use this app a lot And it’s best app I have ever traveled with even more so when I comes to price it’s cheap very easy to use and never let me down once I work in the hotel trade and I recommend it to as many ppl as I can cause I feel there is no better app for easiness to use and price and never lets you done use it use it use it

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The developer, Cheapflights, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

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The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers
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The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Financial Info
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Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More

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