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  1. PervySecurity

    PervySecurity Porn Surfer

    May 22, 2022
    I've always wanted to have this conversation. Why do people get so jealous?? I personally find that if my girlfriend met another man and what happens in between them is natural, I'd be ok with. Would she get punishment for this? 100%. But im not going to go out of my way to put in place ever preemptive measure, she is not I child I must protect help from herself. She is an adult with a conscious, and intelligence.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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    1. By-tor2112overture
      Anyone in a relationship should encourage fucking other peeps
      By-tor2112overture, Jun 4, 2022
    2. Odins own
      I'ts also 100% natural to stomp the shit out of them.
      Odins own, Jun 4, 2022
  2. Xmia7

    Xmia7 Sex Machine

    Oct 3, 2019
    Love to share my wife but I’d want to be present and participate as I desire too.
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    1. Odins own
      If you share her she's not your wife she's everyone's whore :suck_dick::doggystyle2::hilarious:
      Odins own, Jun 14, 2022
  3. Eyeluvcum69

    Eyeluvcum69 Porno Junky

    Oct 16, 2021
    Jealousy is something that you have inherently and a person can make it go away by letting go of your inhibitions and using your mind to regulate your life choices. I love to think about my girlfriend or wife getting fucked by other men.
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    1. Odins own
      Yes it's called being a simp.
      Odins own, Jun 4, 2022
      Triangle_7 and Bakwudz#1980 like this.
    2. Odins own
      Yes it's called being a simp.
      Odins own, Jun 4, 2022
  4. in2doingit

    in2doingit Porn Star

    Jan 3, 2010
    I would if she would be open to it. Not going to happen. We talked about that couple years ago.
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  5. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009

    I personally think if my wife met another man and if something happened between them it’s not fucking natural, because she’s a married woman. You discuss what kind of relationship you’re comfortable with and you either agree with each other or you get the fuck out . You don’t just go home with some guy who smiled at you and fuck his brains out. Then come home and tell your husband how your day went
    • Agree Agree x 5
  6. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    What's mines is mines, I'm not sharing my woman with another man end of discussion.
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    1. Odins own
      Is the "other man" going to pay all her bills and is going to NOT get half of everything in a divorce???
      Odins own, Jun 4, 2022
      Bakwudz#1980 and PervySecurity like this.
    2. BeatItUpRight
      I wouldn't know because she would be gone. I will not now or ever overlook something like that. You giving another man too much attention is cause for dismissal. Just a hard line with me
      BeatItUpRight, Jun 5, 2022
      Tattooed rob and Odins own like this.
  7. PervySecurity

    PervySecurity Porn Surfer

    May 22, 2022
    I agree, you set boundaries before hand. I'm not trying to imply only cheating with my question. Im just curious what sort of varying reactions people have.
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  8. jameswinston5432

    jameswinston5432 Porn Star

    Oct 25, 2021
    If my wife came to me and said I want to fuck someone else, my first question would be one person or lots of people. If it’s one person, then I get to pick one too and we all do it together. If it’s multiple people, then I’m not sure
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  9. bootythrilla

    bootythrilla Porno Junky

    Jun 6, 2014
    Im lucky, my gf has no interest in more cock.and is far more interested in pussy
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  10. bootythrilla

    bootythrilla Porno Junky

    Jun 6, 2014
    We had a 3some with her best friend. Ive asked her a few times, but no, she is far morw into.pussy then cock
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  11. BedBuddy

    BedBuddy Sex Machine

    Jun 11, 2008
    When my wife and I first got into the lifestyle, I loved sharing her and she enjoyed it as well... But, when it came to me being shared, that was another story... She got so jealous it was almost a deal breaker !
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    1. Truewriter
      My wife was the same way. She fucked a lot of guys but couldn't stand for me to fuck other women
      Truewriter, Jun 6, 2022
      Tattooed rob and BedBuddy like this.
    2. Truewriter
      My wife was the same way. She fucked a lot of guys but couldn't stand for me to fuck other women
      Truewriter, Jun 6, 2022
      Tattooed rob likes this.
  12. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    I'll share a pizza.
    I'll share a six pack of beer.
    I'll share a taxi or Uber.
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  13. philitfull1018

    philitfull1018 Porn Star

    Aug 26, 2020
    I've shared my wife 2 times and loved it
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    1. Odins own
      Two times that you KNOW OF :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:
      Odins own, Jun 5, 2022
      Usemyfertilewife likes this.
  14. prf134

    prf134 Porn Surfer

    Apr 28, 2022
    I always let my partner fuck who she wants. Usually I am there and she likes men that respect women. That is what turns her on.
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  15. ProfessorFate

    ProfessorFate Sex Lover

    Sep 30, 2021
    My wife is younger than me, and I'd love to see her with another guy or share her. Still working up to that conversation.
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  16. PervySecurity

    PervySecurity Porn Surfer

    May 22, 2022
    I wouldn't marry, all bills and costs of the home are spilt down the middle. Women my age are not traditional, and I'm not a traditional man. There is no space in this country to be a young man that pays for everything, not without luck, and a lot of skill atleast.
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    1. BeatItUpRight
      I'm lost, I don't think u meant to quote me. Married is married I just need a solid prenup that protects everything I had before her. And anything she doesn't have a direct hand in after. Simple.
      BeatItUpRight, Jun 7, 2022
  17. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    Im really not the jealous type. I have had an open relationship and we are all human. I do want the bounderies of my relationship to be clear, so yeah I would be upset if I found out they had been having sex with someone else if that possibility hadnt been discussed and agreed as fine.
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  18. pussytimes

    pussytimes Porn Star

    Jun 18, 2012
    I have share my wife with 4 different men and 40 + no of women she is bi. Love the excitement..
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