My Bowling 3D Ratings and Reviews

4.7 out of 5
5.3K Ratings

5.3K Ratings

raymac1944 ,

Great realism!

Very enjoyable app, with the possible exception of my not being able to figure out how to make the infamous 7-10 split, which I did once in real ten pins in the 50 years I’ve been a bowler. One programming request here? The next time you revise or update the app, how about considering incorporating a circle around the first number in the frame, like its done in actual bowling score keeping? The game does incorporate lots of sloppy strikes when you put a spin on the ball and you’re near the pocket, which is also very realistic. Great game y’all, my second favorite game app, the first being classic hearts.

Bake610 ,

Really good game

This game is very good. I saw a complaint about how someone got a strike and hit the ball in the pocket same exact way on the next shot and they thought it should’ve been a strike but it wasn’t. Nothing is exact, it doesn’t always work that way even in real bowling, hitting the pocket on a spin doesn’t guarantee a strike. I think it’s pretty realistic and one of the best games I have on my phone, if not, the best.

Grif1141 ,

Good, but not great

Game is fun. Not a lot of ads either. The physics aren’t the best. The pins feel “squishy” and not very reactive. Because of this, most splits are extremely difficult to pick up. A 7-10 split is basically impossible. I’ve tried all real world approaches to a 7-10 split and no luck on them with this game. The spin in difficult to gauge too. I know ball speed effect is, but sometimes I’ll throw the same shot with same spin and speed and the thing will over or under hook. Not sure if this on purpose to replicate oil pattern shift or just bad programming. Regardless, good game to kill some time.

erik3266 ,

Are there any good bowling games????

Because this is NOT a good bowling game. It is ho-hum. It luvs giving splits. The best bowling game seems to have lost it’s developer and caretaker, so it no longer functions on current iOS. In my search for a replacement, I found none worthy. They all feature the same looking bowling alley including this one. I am staying with this game until I have a tantrum and want to throw my phone. And I am getting close. The more I think I am improving, the next game proves me wrong. Oy vey.

PrincessPluto ,

One of my favorite games but it keeps crashing

I never had a problem with this app crashing before but lately it’s been crashing in the middle of a game and it’s getting really annoying. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Owenfield ,

Computer player never misses split spares

I like this game. It has great potential. I am not a “gamer”. I only have 2 games. I play solo. I am middle aged and don’t play against other people, so playing against the “mixed” computer opponents is my competition. The “mixed” competition is supposedly 1 star thru 5 star competition. However, ALL of the computer bowlers, no matter if it’s a 1 star or a 5 star, never miss on the absolutely most difficult split-spares. Splits are converted that I have never even seen a PRO bowler convert. If the developer will fix some of these things it would be much more fun. Currently it’s very irritating.

Telescope555 ,


I’ve bowled many years when younger. This game is one of the best concerning realism. BUT, It’s far too harsh with pin action and results of placement and hits. You’ll get at least 2x the splits as you would in a real game. It just doesn’t give the results you would have on the lanes and will have you talking to yourself.
Just a tweak from the makers is all that is needed to make this one if not the best bowling app. Loosen up a little, folks and you’ll have a real winner.
Till then, splitsville and weak pin action = unneeded frustration.

Annie572610 ,


I do like this app and it is probably the best one of all the available bowling apps to choose from, however, too many pocket shots that should be a strike are leaving pins for a spare. This is disheartening when you bowled into the pocket and it should be a strike because this affects how many stars you have as well. I just feel this should be looked at.

JM00No ,

Good Game but...

These guys make a darts game also. That is a 5 star game and is perfect. This game is good, very good. Very close to a 5 star for me. However, the control system is not the best. I don’t like how you add the spin, I also don’t like how you move the ball left or right. I sometimes accidentally pull the ball back to throw it when I am intending to move it left. But as I said, these guys make some great games.

Roccomister ,


I have been a candlepin bowler all my life, and no I’m not saying how old I am, so I find this game actually relaxing and fun because I play against myself. For the same reason I play Blackjack against the app and not another person. It’s fun! And at the end of the day I like to have some fun. Thank you for a good game of bowling.