Lineage 2: Revolution Ratings and Reviews

4.5 out of 5
29.2K Ratings

29.2K Ratings

Captainrag ,

Still by far the closest thing to mmorg

The lineage 2 revolution for nearly almost two years has been a solid example for what Mobil mmorpg should be. But it does have flaws as well. For one the needlessly grind of runes and skill points is really pointless and spend Aden on runes especially when they failed is absurd. Money should be deducted when they’re successful not when they’re prone to failure. Combat power needs to be explained and needs to be refined across all servers especially when the PVP aspect of this game is in the majority of what you have to do at endgame. Personally I think it’s time that the servers be condensed into a mega server so there’s actual activity across the board for play time. When temple guardian and summoning takes forever Find a group. Friends list needs to be expanded from 30 2 at least 100 or more. The games cash app is way too much it’s way too convoluted and disorganized needs to be streamlined and needs to be explained in greater detail what the purpose of three different currencies are for when you have blue red and yellow for some reason. Red is the most popular one everyone uses.

Datkidcorb ,

Recent Update Ruined Interface

In the initial release the mobile compatibility was much better than it currently is after the first update. Users were able to alter resolution, graphics, and effects without feeling as though the game was losing too much of its value. Now, when changing these settings, the game becomes a pixel-riddled, unplayable mess. It crashes extremely frequently, and is overall unpleasant to play. For the survival of the mobile aspect of this game (many people just play it on PC) the most recent changes to mobile graphics settings and compatibility need to be reverted to its form during the initial release. I am a paying, devoted user of this game, so unfortunately I'll have to deal with the mess for now. I just hope netmarble sees reviews like this and fixes the app for the betterment of its longevity and user satisfaction.

Edit: My points still stand, but I hope and pray this gets fixed in future updates. The game has infinite promise, and is extraordinarily fun, even in its current iteration. Warrants 5 stars because, even while flawed, it's the best MMO on the App Store. Please smile upon me now RNG gods.

Warlordakens ,

I’ve played since it came out

The game it’s self was perfect and flawless at the beginning. I was looking for a game that was similar to a MMO on PC and found it! Lineage 2:revolution hit everything a person would want in a fun and stunning environment for mobile gaming. A lot of it’s Pro’s however go with it’s Con’s and I’ve noticed when I first started playing but I’ve always been a person who never minded repetitive grind so I played for a while. The problems are the game is way to Grindy to a point where u have to put up a lot of money If u want to catch up to the top players and since they to are putting down money u have to put down just as much as that and always have the game playing. I was a free to play character and started putting some money down here and there to support the game. But with the new update they are just pushing people to buy stuff from them and all those people spending money on top want to punish u for not putting money down. So I say beware new players! This is just a warning for those that don’t know what there getting into and if this game could prevent pvp in certain areas and not make it so grindy that we feel like we’re completely standing still I would raise this rating but as if right now this is what they get.

9thFloorHooligan ,

Next Gen App Gaming

I play on Cruma2 and started soon after launch. If I had one complaint: the UI is very VERY busy. Not easy to get used to. Related to UI - way too many things that go to mailbox, and if it’s a container, you have to click yet again to open each container but only after it manually goes from mailbox to inventory. Very tedious day after day.

Ok that said - I LOVE that they eliminated the tired old energy meter system that app games/devs have clung on to for years. They did the opposite - everything in the game encourages you to play it as much as you want. Character and item progression is steady and constant as long as you put some effort in. Micro transactions are balanced and in no way disruptive to the game. There have already been massive additions to the game. The community has your regular hodgepodge of people but no worse or better than other large MMO communities. The game itself is gorgeous, but also has incredible depth for an app game - both positives together are rare. Overall, it’s a stunning achievement for this platform and a solid model for next generation app gaming. Well done!

xXScorpion_GamerXx ,

I Love It All, Except For One Thing..

This game honestly has better graphics than any other MMORPG game I’ve ever seen, I think it was a great idea to do think such as: Auto Questing, Auto Equip, etc. I also think that you have an easy way to attack, move around, and it also has easy access to all the settings, customization for your character, etc. I love the story of the game, I most definitely like how you divided sections of the game into so called ‘Episodes’. I like the arrangement of different items you can get and their meanings. I love the characters, and the monsters, i think you did a good job with naming everything too. I basically love it all, except for one thing. The lag, no matter what settings I put it on, it’s always somehow laggy at least a little, it was a lot better with low graphics, but still showed some problems with delayed responsive adaptation. Meaning when I click something it will take a second to respond. Other than that, I love the game overall. Thank you for reading this and taking the time of your life to read it.

Shopniel ,

It’s good’s lacking

First of all the opening cutscene is horrible quality and it has nothing to do with my IpadAir 2 because I tried on other devices and second of all make claiming your character for early access easier It took me 2 hours to figure out what to do and for those who don’t know how to claim it here you go. First u got to create a new random character and for the name use your early access s name and then it will ask you for an email or something and you type in the early access s email and bam there you go your early access character. the gameplay is amazing and it feels like I’m attacking because uase of the vibrations. I use rogue. It’s hard to join a clan so I made my own but it’s a pain to o to each individual friend and ask them to join so make a new feature where you can invite inside the clan page. Now the pros. This game is super rewarding and fun I can see playing this game for a long time and this is the longest and most fun RPG I have played so far and other than the other complaints this would’ve been a 5 star game and I bet the devs can fix this. THANKS FOR THE AMAZING GAME 😁😜🤗👍🏼👍👍🏾👍🏽🏆👍🏻🤠

hock62 ,

Active player

I love this game I’ve been playing it for a long time now. I’m in a pretty good clan. It’s been hard for me to level up, but that’s how all leveling games are. Thing is weapon enhancing is way too hard. I’ve been stuck at plus 10 for awhile. I just used up 25 scrolls and am still on 10. I feel you could up the win chances a little bit, seriously. It’s really discouraging when you save up so many and don’t make any progress at all. I mean you could even lower the cost of protection stones to 2. I mean is there anything you could do at all cost it’s way too difficult. I’ve even put money into the game to help, and nothing helps. Other then that I love the game. One other thing is it seems like other people have way better luck with armor boxes and stuff of that nature. I get those things all the time and never get anything I need. Anyway thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into this game it’s the best game I’ve played on a phone, ever. And I’ve played it the most out of all my games even my xbox one games.

candmich ,

Truly engaging

I am guilty of getting easily hooked on games that allow you to start out playing alone and slowly immerse yourself in a more social context. Although progress is much faster with a clan, going it alone as you learn the ropes is just as affective. The penalties for being kicked or dropping a clan affiliation get steep as a new player so I suggest avoiding selecting a clan until you make a friend or two who can offer suggestions. Understanding the terms for play if you’ve never played a game like Warcraft or are rusty can seem overwhelming but all the various skill building aspects of the game and dungeons are exceedingly helpful. I love that you can set the game aside and the auto functions allow for you to hunt and battle while afk. I’m truly enjoying this new advancement in mobile gaming! I’m not having to spend to the point of debt and I feel truly valued as a player for that reason and the rewards received for being active can’t be matched by any other game! Keep the costs low and the game fun and you’ll have won this gamer over for good!

Tilden Thorne ,

Beautifully Dull.

First off, this game is stunning visually. However, that is about the best I can say about it. It suffers from what I have come to call “free game drop off”. The game is designed to seem easy up front but, once you get to a certain point, the difficulty shoots through the roof as a ploy to get you to spend real world money. The game’s complexity seems linked to the process of “micro-transactions” aiming to pull more real world funds. The complexity can just get silly. There are some 8-10 different systems to improve everything, each requiring some rare in game resource. In the end the complexity, which could be cool, just feels like a sucker punch for cash and it adds little to the game. Additionally, the complexity takes away from the game’s flow. Personally, I would rather pay some money up front and have a reduced number micro-transactions.
After one day, I had about three hours of fun... Then it just got dull. The auto-questing “feature” almost seems to add to the robotically dull nature of the game play. I won’t even get into the “soul shot” BS. There is a high note though beyond the game’s beauty, it bodes well for what is possible in a mobile game. If someone can put one together that does not feel like a vampire trying to latch onto your wallet, they will really have something.

ThatOneGuyFromSomewhere ,

Great, but...

Maybe I don’t understand everything entirely yet. It has been a month since i’ve started playing, but I am already questioning deleting this game because of the struggles I am going through. I am getting nowhere near the amount of gold I need just to function every day for upgrades, socket removal, clan donations, etc. There are disturbingly few incentives for my clan and I to team up even though I want to help, especially when there is a 20+ level gap between us. An unfortunate side effect to A.I. doing people’s work for them is the silence I deal with every day because my clan mates are all “afk.” I’ve never felt so lonely in a game full of people. I am unable to change the clan message board despite being the leader. It kicks me out awkwardly in a way I assume to be a glitch. My struggles were amplified by my clan’s former leader spontaneously giving it to me instead, but I believe it has only highlighted issues that people may face in this game. Please change some features, or direct me to some guidance. I really want to keep playing this game... Thank you for reading this.