Human-to-Cat Translator Ratings and Reviews

4.3 out of 5
8.2K Ratings

8.2K Ratings

K115_2 ,

Awesome, unbelievable!!!

At first, I didn’t think this was going to work. At first, I would click on the app and it would let me in for a moment. Then it would kick me out. I tried several times. I was about to delete the app. But I didn’t. So I left it alone for about like, 15 minutes. Then I tried again. It worked! And I said a lot of things to my car. It was pretty annoying. My cat got mad because of the noise. I thought it wasn’t speaking cat. Also, I don’t believe that things like this are real. But then I said her name. And she stop hiding. I said it again. And again. Several times until she came to me. It might have not been her name, but she liked it. I liked seeing her happy. Because she is never happy. So, thank you developer’s for making this app. It might have been a little crushing at first. And annoying. But finally, it turned out nice. But the only thing that is wrong with it, is it kicked me out. So if you could please fix that. But again, thank you for a nice time. And thank you for reading this review. I hope it helps you with what to expect.
Again, thank you!❤️

jndkdieks ,


Are cats didn’t respond trying to trick them but I didn’t respond it didn’t even work I don’t believe the other reviews because like they said it worked but a CAT scan even respond I still love the 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 but next time I didn’t even like it the game was really good I love it even now I don’t love it as much I still love it but I’m sorry to say this but somethings are some games or not like him that’s good when you make them but I feel like the games make a really good filter that you can’t stand anybody I’m sorry to say that this game is not really good but like I don’t like it it’s not good it’s good at same time not that one I don’t know if I am play the other one that you made I like if you need Snapchat that’s fine but like I don’t like that can you send that to people and I don’t like that because my parents said I can’t only when I’m a little bit older so I’m so sorry to say this😢 some games that you make or not good I don’t want to like make you angry but like I’m just telling you but like some games make me so mad when you make him but like my parents don’t let me get iPhone can’t hold it was like a man love games that’s why I can’t get some games that you mean i’m games are at
So bad that’s what I’m saying to say I’m so sorry to say things I don’t want to be mean no some games make me 😢😭😢😭😢😢😢😭😢😢😭 sad😭😢😭😢

Spice_Nose ,


Although none of these apps actually work and it’s impossible to translate human to animals, it can soothe your cat with other cat noises, which is why I downloaded it although some cats make it scared or aggressive if they are not used to other cats or do not like other cats. I’m not trying to be a know it all but it’s scientifically impossible for a cat to talk to a human and human to talk to a cat. Although when we speak in our own human language and we what we want them to do a few times, Then they will eventually understand what you were saying and will listen to what you’re doing unless they are stubborn cat of course 🤣 oh and if you really believe that it translates human language to cats, check the disclaimer in the description of the app. It claims that this app is for entertainment purposes and can’t really translate human-to-cat. So if that’s The reason you wanted this app then I’m sorry bout ya.

elkismyname ,

The stupidest and best app on my phone 🤣

Yeah people, of course it doesn’t REALLY translate your human words into cat language! I downloaded it as a joke thinking there was no way it could work, but my cat responds to it every time and jumps in my lap and starts purring, even in response to the scary meows. Totally worth the 99 cents for the extra 8 buttons. For elevated hysteria try pushing multiple buttons at the same time and experience a beautiful chorus of meows. But don’t drop your phone while the app is open if you’re easily startled ;) 10/10 would recommend.

Ifjghj ,

Missing something important

🙀One of the most classic , ,greatest & cutest that's missing is the kitten meows! Don't forget the kitten purrs especially those before mastering it, the botchy ones! Plus a lot of repeats! Could use more variety try and animal shelter if you need a source! I love the reaction cats have to kitten mews! Agreed not a true translator my kitten worriedly stated it had no clue what it just said! To her relief I said I didn't ether! Of course I was trying to translate cat to human upswing some kitty meows I can mimic perfectly and it came back with more cat meows... Maybe that's why she couldn't understand it! Also she loved the hisses and growls stating "Funny noises mommie made to other cat." No I am not scitzophrinic just telepathic! I have read that cats don't communicate with each other vocally except in special occasions mommy calling to babies, fights, breeding! So they are obviously trying to communicate with us through vocal noises since we are the only ones they vocalize to! There are some sources that says cats and dogs are telepathic!

trainer779 ,


This is super weird and some of the same noises were played over and over agin to translate different words?? That made me feel very less confident in thinking this would work but I don’t speak cat language lol the noises didn’t seem to impress my cat but she did come to me with the recorder and she started becoming playful and being a weirdo like she is I started asking her questions and like I am bored are you shake
Your head for no shake your head up and down if yes but it didn’t work so I really don’t think this works but also she seems to ignore a lot of other cat noises but I started to play with her in thinking the noises under my blanket were other cats and I had stuffed animals under the blanket too but she didn’t seem believe they were actually cats because she’s wise and doesn’t fall for many things lol but yea this probably doesn’t work but I don’t speak cat language so sorry but awesome on trying to do it!

Little Red2527 ,

I don’t think the transition works

I put it up to my cats mouth and recorded her purring and it translated it and it was just A whole bunch of different cat meows to be honest I don’t think this app works for the translation maybe to get your cats attention but not for the translationAnd half the cat meows are from Minecraft the game by MojangBut I rated it two star because The first cat meow button sort of got my cats attention but to be fair she’s a kitten and she’s curious I honestly think these cat translation apps don’t work and if you are going to buy one or download one then make sure to look at the ratings and read the ratings not just the stars but the ratings after I downloaded this app I looked at the writing that the people who rated this and the app didn’t even work at first they kept closing me out didn’t work for about an hour I just think this app is a waste of time and it’s a waste of space on ur Device.

It’s not a good app👎👎👎👎

bb basketball ,

I don’t know

I don’t know if this is real or fake most of these are fake I’m not saying it is but most likely it is one day humans will find out what animals are saying but I don’t think we need to push it because my cat I tried this on her she hissed at me and ignored me the rest of the day I recommend you do not get this app because it does not work someday like I said we will find out what cats dogs and other animals are saying but I don’t think this is real my cat was fun and games and always wanted attention but now she’s ignoring me hissing at me and I feel like I did something wrong I just wanna play with my cat I don’t want her make her mad at me the person who made this please take this app down cause it’s been a week that I have used this app and my cat hates me now I just wanna play with my cat in less than a month I go back to school half of the day and then my cat will get more mad all I wanted was to know what my cat is saying not my cat to hate me thanks for reading

Carebear9582 ,

Don’t understand

If my cat is on the table I say (Percy get off the table) and then it says it in cat. But when I say other things in it the same meow happens and I don’t even say the same word. It makes me so angry 😾. And then I go to one of my cats and I said do you want a treat? And this cat LOVES😻 food and he just sits there. Then I go to my other cat same thing She LOVES😺 food but she just sits there. And all of that makes me feel like it doesn’t Speke cat at all. Then if there is an emergency I can’t get there attention and I don’t want something to happen to them. So please make is speak real cat.

Melon1353336 ,


Ok so i know its fake, i mean of course it is, but i was saying some things into the microphone and listening to the meows before i tried it out on my cats and they sounded like the meows my cats make when they are having a bath or going to the vet... and I’m pretty sure those meows are real so that means they actually are saying something, and they are probably crying “help! Stop!” And things like that because if someone is making them meow then they wont like it... and i was reading reviews and they were saying now their cat hates them so i think the meows are unhappy, or angry, and if they are saying stop it! Or go away! Or something then of course the cats would feel scared because they are getting yelled at. Again, i havent tried it out on my actual cats yet but i dont know if i want to.