Euchre Card Classic Ratings and Reviews

3.8 out of 5
1.4K Ratings

1.4K Ratings

DrZombo ,


Having played Euchre for over 50 years I’ve seen about everything that can happen in a game. Your site is far more predictable than real life. Very seldom do I as a dealer ever get support cards for the turn card or have support for my partners. Many times I have held a lay down loner and my partner order up thump with hardly anything. Partner very seldom leads trump when it is called for and we lose a trick to lose a point instead of getting two. Your site is a good compared to some of the other but it could stand some tweaking advice by some more knowledgeable Euchre players. I have had this happen too many times when my partner goes alone. My partner named trump and went alone. He took the first trick with a small trump then led back his possible loser the ace of diamonds which he lost. In his hand after he took the first trick were both trump jacks and the king of trump and the aces of diamonds. This type of play has happened too many times to be a mistake. Instead of a sure 4 points we get 1. Being bots it has to be programmed to do this. It is so wrong that it has to either be intentional or just plain ignorance of the game.

1$67&& ,

Euchre Review

The speed and tempo are excellent. No unnecessary sounds or actions. The actual play needs work. The partner assigned to the user consistently takes hands away from the actual user. This includes a lot of lone hands where I would have the top four cards for a suit and the computer partner names the suit with only one card in the suit. This is not reality if the partner really knew how to play. Another very different but predictable after you play for a while is that the opponent will either have the only card that can stop a lone hand or no cards against the lone hand. There is no middle ground. Finally, in the lone hands the three computer players more often than not will not draw out the other trump cards but play a card that can be easily trumped or be taken with a higher card in the same suit instead. This again is not traditional play. The above items might make this better for someone who just wants to win all the time but it is not as challenging. It is the opposite of most other Euchre games because they cause you to lose with impossible hands from the other team.

Jason'sMom ,

Okay, but almost too real

While I still think this is the best option out there at this point. It can be very frustrating playing at the Pro level and your partner does nonsensical things. Sometimes I wonder if this is intentional - like trying to mimic real life (human error). For example your partner ordering up a bower with nothing in their hand to support. Or your partner picking up an ace and calling trump with no power. Or ordering up a bower when you as the dealer could have gone alone. Maybe that would be the easiest enhancement. Don’t have partner/computer order up a bower every single time unless they have at least something to support. And yes, I need another hobby. Blame it on Covid. You can only watch so much Netflix.

Debi_J98142 ,

Frustrating game, strategy is non existent

Whoever designed this game has no idea of the strategy involved in playing Euchre. Your partner will get you euchered several times a game, they will order up trump when they have lower level cards. All the players in the game will “go alone” and will lead with a card that makes no sense. They don’t try to pull trump cards, if they get the lead after the first hand they will then play an Ace of a non-trump suit. I wish I could see the statistics of these other players in regards to success with going alone, at least 90+ percent of the time they don’t get all the tricks. The opposing team somehow seems to be able to pick up and make Trump when they deal, yet when it comes around to me more than 90% of the time I will have nothing that matches or I will have a 9 or 10 of the suit that is showing. If I somehow do have a good hand that I could go alone with my partner will order it up and will have one low card of that suit in their hand. If you choose to play this be prepared to be constantly frustrated. Oh and all of this is at any level since they give you levels to choose from to play, but I’ve seen no difference in the play.

RobiGale59 ,

Lowest card not tossed at start of loaner.

I played the #1 Euchre game (free) and kept waiting for them to fix the problem. After a year and several messages I took the hint and moved on. This was the first game I’ve tried and I love it. Pro play…What a wonderful experience and concept. Great game. Beautiful graphics and easy to play. No need to change card color or table design for they fade into the background and I couldn’t even tell you what they look like other than the table is a light oak. But then I used to design and sell kitchen and bathroom cabinets and fixtures. I know my wood. I do wish I could pick names though but it’s not a big issue because the game play makes up for it. Give it a try if you’re looking for a good Euchre challenge.

kit club ,

How to play the game

I really enjoy playing this game I am used to play it back home all the time when I was younger but it’s not set up the correct way unfortunately and it gets very aggravating at times. When you make it Trump, you lead out Trump you don’t lead on an ace you hang onto the ace till the end. You have to be able to pull out everybody’s Trump before you go play in the off suit. Never do you laid out at Ace first when you make it Trump you have to pull out everybody’s Trump first so you can win the four points I have never seen it play that way and it’s not set up right so I hope you can go back in and reprogram this so I can enjoy it better because eventually I probably will get off of it. If you don’t straighten it out I’m sorry it is a great game but I don’t think you’re used to knowing how to play it correctly thank you for your time

frustratedBM ,

poor playing

i agree with the others This game does not play like real life First, partner does not order you up unless they have some tricks in their hand Two , if you go alone you should have a real decent hand in trump usually meaning you have both bowers and at least one other trump plus aces When you play alone the trump caller should always be leading with their trump before playing other suits That is to draw possible better cards out before you have to play yours Third, I have never seen so many lone hands In real life going Alone is seldom and only if you have pat hand otherwise it is better to have your partner help try and get two points versus only one Very unrealistic game I suggest going to a state where this is one of their card games and play with some local players Then you will find out how the game is played

Jzber ,

I hate rigged play!

Very frustrating game when my partner did not name the Trump but leads out trump twice in a row sucking out my two trump leaving no trump between the two of us… and we lost.
I get an unusual number of 9’s, 10’s, and queens it’s not normal. My partner is not of average skill level. I hand my phone over to my 2 year old grandson to play a while because it gets so frustrating!!! He might as well have fun pushing buttons.
Tell my partner not to lead trump if we didn’t order it up!
Do not plan who is going to win….just mix the cards well and deal them out as they would naturally fall.
Did I say, I can’t stand my partner. This game must be programmed by someone else’s small grandchild.

complete disbelief ,

Partner frequently seems to have no understanding of this game!

Completely agree with DrZombo, whoever made this game is NOT an experienced euchre player! When your partner over trumps you (I led left bar and she threw right bar, with a queen back, which was overtaken with the ace in a later throw, losing a point), is absolutely ridiculous! And yes, partner will order me to pick up a queen of trump, when they have maybe the king and that’s it?! And funny, opponents always seem to play the lone hands with the best possible strategy, however my partner will call, take 1st trick with a small trump, then lead an off suit for the 2nd throw??!! With the right and left bar still in hand???!!! I sometimes think my partner is trying to play “go fish” or something, because she is surely not playing euchre!!!! Good thing I guess, because I can stop wasting my time and delete this! SOMEONE DO BETTER!

who’s that ,

Too bad people r the way u are soooooo sad

Well thought this was a great game until the ads are now one after every hand and my partner is crazy at times and that’s done on purpose and I’m not paying for AD free I want to play to relax not to get more irritated and believe me
Ur not going to make enough too make it worth ur while so why bother You would think with all that’s going on in this world we could stop being so greedy so sad it’s all come to this and Apple sure doesn’t need anymore either so would of gave this a 5 star but ads keep it down and also they want you too pay so bad as I’m sure Apple is right behind them that the games r rigged so they always get the good cards to call it and win how lame is that so sad u have to be crooked to put a game on here should b ashamed of your self and get a job like everyone else to make money (idiots)