Having played Euchre for over 50 years I’ve seen about everything that can happen in a game. Your site is far more predictable than real life. Very seldom do I as a dealer ever get support cards for the turn card or have support for my partners. Many times I have held a lay down loner and my partner order up thump with hardly anything. Partner very seldom leads trump when it is called for and we lose a trick to lose a point instead of getting two. Your site is a good compared to some of the other but it could stand some tweaking advice by some more knowledgeable Euchre players. I have had this happen too many times when my partner goes alone. My partner named trump and went alone. He took the first trick with a small trump then led back his possible loser the ace of diamonds which he lost. In his hand after he took the first trick were both trump jacks and the king of trump and the aces of diamonds. This type of play has happened too many times to be a mistake. Instead of a sure 4 points we get 1. Being bots it has to be programmed to do this. It is so wrong that it has to either be intentional or just plain ignorance of the game.