TechCrunch launches ‘Original Content,’ a podcast about streaming TV, movies and more

Each week, TechCrunch’s Anthony Ha and Darrell Etherington talk about what’s new in original streaming shows, movies, comics and more on ‘Original Content.’ Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime – if it’s new, original, and available to stream on the web or mobile, you’ll hear about it on this podcast first (or at least second). Plus, we’ll talk to the people who actually make the content you love, too, in occasional interviews with creators.

Netflix alone is an entertainment giant that’s set to get even larger with just-announced significant investments and major talent deals. But is the stuff it’s making any good, and what do we gret out of it as consumers of entertainment? That’s what we’ll talk about on the show, which is a little but business, but mostly concerned with creativity.

On our very first episode, we discuss the Disney/Netflix split, Netflix courting Mark Millar and Amazon Prime doing a deal with The Walking Dead‘s Robert Kirman. This week’s featured original content is the Netflix feature film Okja, from Snowpiercer director Bong Joon-ho.

Are comics destined to become a valuable resource streaming media providers fight over in an attempt to create their own cinematic universes? Is Mark Millar actually any good? What’s a ‘superpig’ and do you want one? These are the Big Questions that hosts Anthony Ha and Darrell Etherington tackle on Episode 1 of TechCrunch’s Original Content.

Join us as we kick off a brand new exploration of the new face of media. Also, note that we both are old and therefore don’t understand YouTube – but we sure can binge watch Netflix with the best of ’em.

Subscribe to Original Content now using Apple Podcasts right here, or find it in your podcast player of choice. Be sure to leave a review and let us know what you think, and send any feedback directly to us, too.


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