Turn your watch into a personal translator

iTranslate Converse
Real-time voice translator
iTranslate Converse turns your Apple Watch into a two-way personal translator – one that’s always on your wrist wherever you travel.

Like the iPhone version (which was an Apple Design Award winner in 2018), iTranslate Converse for Apple Watch couldn’t be simpler to use:
Hold the button and say a phrase, and the app translates aloud to your barista/train station attendant/person who knows where the bathroom is.

Brilliantly, the Watch app also shows a written translation, displayed upside down to make it easier for the other person to read what you’re communicating. To change languages, tap the top of your Apple Watch screen.

With a mobile connection, you can have a travel guide at the ready at all times – no other devices required. For one-tap access to iTranslate Converse’s powers, add the app to your Apple Watch’s home screen – and get right back to seeing the world (or drinking your coffee).