R.C Foundation 4+

Rab Elias

    • App Bundle ₺999,99
    • Purchased Separately: ₺1.149,98

2 Apps in This Bundle



This bundle contains two useful application related to foundations design as per ACI code.
1 - Combined Foundation  with Large Bi-axial loads and moment based on ACI code
2 - Spread Foundation with Large Bi-axial loads and moment based on ACI code.

the following details will be provided by both apps:
- Determine the Location of Resultant and proposing new values to make the resultant concise with the Center of Foundation.
- Check the Stability against Overturning in both Longitudinal and Transversal Direction.
- Check the Stability against sliding in both Longitudinal and Transversal Direction.
- Calculating the value K (Tengs Chart), modified Gross Pressure, Overburden and Pressure Net pressure in both factored and un-factored mode.
- Ultimate Design Total loads Forces and Moments applied on the Foundation.
- Distribution of Pressure under Foundation.
- Shear Force and bending moment Diagram in both direction.
- Two Way (Punching) Shear Capacity Checks under two pedestals.
- One Way Shear Capacity Check.
- Reinforcement Design in both Direction.
- Graphic design showing the reinforcement details in both direction.

Additionally, the application will provide a PDF comprehensive calculation with capability of sharing the same via emails, whatsup, etc,,,


  • Family Sharing

    Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled.

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