Capture stunning light trail photos

Slow Shutter Cam
Long Exposure Photography
The red and white rivers of car lights against a sprawling cityscape. The wispy streaks created by a plane’s navigation lights as it crosses the sky. Enchanted streaks of light dancing around people and objects alike. You’ve probably seen light-trail photos like these in travel magazines or on Instagram. What you might not realise is how easy they are to capture.
The technique you’ll use is known as long-exposure photography – the practice of leaving the camera shutter open for seconds or even minutes at a time.
Taking these kinds of images used to require expensive camera equipment and a mastery of advanced photography techniques. Now all you need to pull this off is an app like Slow Shutter Cam and a tripod or other stable surface to steady your iPhone. Here’s how:

Don’t be afraid to shoot from different angles and play around with your settings. Experimenting is part of the fun – and essential to capturing a share-worthy shot.