Spots 4+

Nick Sorge

Designed for iPhone

    • 4.0 • 1 Rating
    • Free

iPhone Screenshots


*** ENGLISH ***
You are in a strange city and want to skate, but don’t know where?
You’ve been skating and overlooked the best spot in town only two blocks away?
That's over now!
Here's spots. Spots does exactly what the name suggests. Spots shows you what skatespots are nearby, shows you images and the obsticlas available.
If you're looking for specific obsticlas, no problem, Spots offers a detailed search.
Add your own spots and show the world what your city has to offer. Be part of the largest skate spots community. Join today and begin to skate.
What are you waiting for? Until Spots costs money or is packed with advertising ;)

Special thank to "C100 Studio" for the wonderful design.

*** GERMAN ***
Ihr seid in einer fremden Stadt und wollt Skaten, wisst aber nicht wo?
Ihr wart Skaten und habt 2 Blocks weiter den besten Spot der Stadt übersehen?
Das ist jetzt vorbei!
Hier kommt Spots. Spots macht genau das, was der Name schon verrät. Spots zeigt euch was für Spots in der Nähe sind, zeigt euch Bilder und die Obsticlas.
Falls ihr nach bestimmten Obsticlas sucht, auch kein Problem. Spots bietet eine Detailsuche. 
Fügt eure Spots hinzu und zeigt der Welt was eure Stadt zu bieten hat. Werdet Teil der größten Skatespots-Community. Registriert euch noch heute und fangt an zu Skaten. 
Worauf wartest du? Dass Spots Geld kostet oder vollgepackt mit Werbung ist ;)

Besonderer Dank gilt "C100 Studio", für das wundervolle Design.

What’s New

Version 3.2.1

Minor adjustments and performance gains

Ratings and Reviews

4.0 out of 5
1 Rating

1 Rating

ItsZednin ,

Really Useful App

As a skater myself I’ve been looking for a way to mark all the best spots to skate in. With this app I can do that (keep track of all the spots) and also my mates can all see them too! More people using this app will obviously make it better as more people will be posting spots etc. I think a better menu system would be the best addition that could be made to this app. Add a menu where you can pick between different screens such as: my profile (shows your spots that you’ve posted), map (shows the spots map), feed (shows your feed of spots. Additional search features would also be great, like a pump track option. Another feature could also be allowing people to rate spots out of five stars. This way you could search for ‘most starred spots’ which would be pretty epic. Also when searching, allow the user to say ‘sort by closest spots to me’ that’d help a lot!

App Privacy

The developer, Nick Sorge, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

No Details Provided

The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.

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