Bralko: Pretvori tekst v govor 4+

Poslušajte besedila, članke .‪.‬

Matej Svrznjak

Designed for iPad

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Bralko je inteligentna aplikacija za pretvorbo besedila v govor, ki vaše bralno gradivo pretvori v interaktivne zvočne posnetke, tako da lahko prihranite čas, ohranite več informacij in ostanete osredotočeni.

Tako kot vaš osebni bralni pomočnik, tudi Bralko lahko prebira knjige, dokumente in članke, medtem, ko kuhate, vadite, se vozite na delo ali opravljate katero koli drugo opravilo.


Se težko učiš?

Ni problema, Bralko ti lahko predava, kar iz učbenika!

Ljudje smo različni in ležijo nam različni načini učenja, kar pomeni, da so učenci, ki si bolje zapomnijo zvočne vsebine v slabšem položaju, ko se je potrebno učiti iz učbenika.


Za najmlajše

Otroci lahko sedaj sami berejo zgodbice, ki niso na voljo v zvočni obliki in na zaslonu sledijo označene besede. Tako, se hitreje naučijo brati.


Pomoč pri branju

Disleksija je v naši družbi bolj pogosta, kot si mnogi mislijo.

Obstajajo različne stopnje disleksije, ki otežujejo življenje. Nekateri imajo manjše težave, ki otežujejo učenje in pomenijo, da učenec za učenje porabi več časa in se pri učenju hitreje utrudi. Na žalost se takšne težave v učnem procesu pogosto spregledajo.


Za starejše

Bralko je vaš prijatelj, ki vam vedno priskoči na pomoč, ko vas ujezi premajhna pisava.


Ti branje vzame veliko časa ter energije in se zato branju izogibaš?

Medtem, ko je povprečna hitrost branja približno 200 besed na minuto, se uporabniki Bralka hitro naučijo poslušati 400 besed na minuto, kar podvoji hitrost branja. Zaslon za branje Bralka poudarja vsako besedo med branjem, akademske raziskave pa kažejo, da poslušanje in branje hkrati povzročita bistveno višjo raven razumevanja.


Bralko is an intelligent text-to-speech application that turns your reading material into interactive audio recordings so you can save time, retain more information and stay focused.

Just like your personal reading assistant, Bralko can read books, documents and articles while you cook, exercise, commute or do any other task.


Do you have a hard time studying?

No problem, Bralko can teach you straight from the textbook!

People are different and have different ways of learning, which means that students who remember audio content better are at a disadvantage when it comes to learning from a textbook.


For the youngest

Children can now read stories themselves, which are not available in audio format, and follow the highlighted words on the screen. Thus, they learn to read faster.


Help with reading

Dyslexia is more common in our society than many people think.

There are different degrees of dyslexia that make life difficult. Some have minor problems that make learning more difficult and mean that the student spends more time studying and gets tired more quickly. Unfortunately, such problems are often overlooked in the learning process.


For the elderly

Bralko is your friend who always comes to your aid when you are annoyed by too small font.


Reading takes a lot of time and energy for you and that's why you avoid reading?

While the average reading speed is about 200 words per minute, our users quickly learn to listen to 400 words per minute, which doubles their reading speed. The application highlights each word as you read, and academic research shows that listening and reading at the same time results in significantly higher levels of comprehension.

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Privacy Policy:

Terms of use:

What’s New

Version 1.62

• removed standard voices
• various fixes and improvements

We will try to update the app frequently to improve the user experience. For any problems or ideas, contact us at

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• odstranjeni osnovni glasovi
• razni popravki in izboljšave

Aplikacijo bomo poskušali posodabljati pogosto, tako da izboljšamo uporabniško izkušnjo. Za morebitne težave ali ideje nas kontaktirajte na

App Privacy

The developer, Matej Svrznjak, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Contact Info

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More

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