Learn the story of the student who married Cinderella Soad Hosni for only 6 months and deprived her of the most precious thing she owned… You will not believe who he is and the surprise in the identity of his real mother.!!

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Laila gave birth to her son, Zaki Fateen Abdel Wahab, who was seen by the public recently through a number of works, including “Adam’s apple”, and worked as an assistant director and director of photography.

Zaki Fateen Abdel Wahab married at the beginning of his life to the artist Soad Hosni, although his mother opposed this marriage because Souad was 20 years older than him, but he was associated with her for 6 months and then divorced her.

The artist, Zaki Fateen Abdel Wahab, revealed the details of his marriage and his separation from the late artist Souad Hosni.

Abdel Wahab said, during his meeting in the episode of the “Friday in Egypt” program, presented by the media, Yasmine Said, on the MBC Egypt screen, that he felt a strong attraction towards Soad Hosni, when he was training to direct in the movie “Ahl al-Qimma”, with the late director Ali Badrakhan.

He added, that Hosni reciprocated the same feeling, and the matter developed between them until he ended up in marriage, although he was then a student at the Higher Institute of Cinema, noting that his mother, the late artist, Laila Murad, was not opposed to this marriage, but rather was unwelcome, due to the lack of equivalence between them.

He indicated that he separated from Soad Hosni, 6 months following their marriage, justifying what happened that the relationship was not equal in the first place, because she is a star at the height of her glory, while he is just a student starting his artistic career, stressing that their friendship continued following the separation.

He continued, “I believe in God, and in normal moments I get excited regarding some life matters, but in such suffering and difficult matters I am steadfast, which is what I learned from my father, as he was also suffering from heart disease, but he deals with simplicity and acceptance of the fait accompli.”

Zaki Fateen Abdel Wahab said that when he was young he loved his mother, artist Laila Murad, from her films, and he thought her strong and attractive, and did not accept the idea of ​​her weakness in her last days, and did not admit his shortcomings towards her until following she entered the hospital, and a dialogue took place between them in resuscitation.

Zaki Fateen added, during his hosting of the “Night Confessions” program, broadcast on the “New Capital” satellite channel, that he married the artist, Souad Hosni, when he was 25 years old, and she was 40 years old.

Souad Hosni was unable to get rid of the “Cinderella” dream, and this caused her many periods of depression, and he admitted that he never failed her, but rather was deeply sympathetic to her.

Fateen continued his talk regarding director Ali Badrakhan, who was Soad Hosni’s husband before he married her, saying that he loved Badrakhan on a personal level and that his beginning in cinematic training was with him.

And he continued, “I went to him following I broke up with her because I always felt that she still loved him, and I felt guilty and that I was an obstacle between their love story, and I think she loved him more than me.”

He expressed his wish to be a father, and if I were a father, I would apologize to my son for the excessive fear, because I suffered from him with my mother when I was young, because of the excess of passion and protection, which creates a personality that has problems with its contact with reality.

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Hi! Would you like to know more about: Learn the story of the student who married Cinderella Soad Hosni for only 6 months and deprived her of the most precious thing she owned... You will not believe who he is and the surprise in the identity of his real mother.!! ?