Some thoughts on pricing
I really like this app and it has kept improving over time!
However I think the pricing is wrong - hope the dev reads it. 199€ is like 4 years of Lightroom, 3 years of Microsoft suite - or if you take the yearly fee you are on par with essential services “just” to be able to record a bunch of books and apps.
This means that you rely on “whales” to sustain your app and that it’s annoying for common users to use an app where you know you can’t have all the functions and there’s just no way to splurge so much money for the service.
In my case I would be ready to pay in the 5-10€ range without problem for the app, but not more.
It’s not because I don’t value your work that I write this, just you have to put yourself in the average user shoes, each app for each more or less tiny service wants a lot of money, things just don’t add up. Over time, because of this trend in Apple platforms, I see myself enjoying more and more open-source software where I pay what I want and get multi platform benefits with the trade off of a less polished experience.
In other words I’m still using your app because I like it but I don’t pay you any money, while I would be ready to do it, because there’s just no way for me to do it that would match what I deem reasonable :)