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Is she right?

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No

    28 vote(s)
  3. Don't Know

    2 vote(s)
  1. Altern8

    Altern8 Porn Star

    Sep 23, 2017
    Yes your correct, it does have a purpose,, to give the woman pleaser, to give birth,, but only if it's CONSENSUAL NOT FUCKING RAPE
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. GemmaSwinger101
      To give the woman pleaser white barbarian beta cuck what? A Fraudian slip.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 18, 2018
    2. Altern8
      Ok @GemmaSwinger101 You tell us what the purpose of a vagina is, what's your take on the matter
      Altern8, Sep 18, 2018
    3. GemmaSwinger101
      This is the problem It is sexologically designed for sex. That is it's major purpose. And there are no virgin births.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
    4. Altern8
      Yes I agree with that,, but what I and most other people don't agree with is rape,, just because a woman has a vagina, that doesn't make it ok for any man to have sex with her,, it's up to her to choose how to have sex with, and how not to have sex with,, yes it's a fuckhole as you call it,, but it's her fuckhole not any man how wants it,, if you don't agree with that then your saying raping is ok
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
      wlmaster75 and Tattooed rob like this.
    5. GemmaSwinger101
      Which Archon told you these lies?
      Nature gives no signs it is up to the woman. Infact he made males horny faster and stronger.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
  2. aussiebabe77

    aussiebabe77 Porn Surfer

    Jan 8, 2014
    • Like Like x 2
    1. GemmaSwinger101
      Says who? Your owners, the barbarian archons who stand against science?
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 18, 2018
  3. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    You insist on doing this with me, do you? sigh All right.

    Your premise is utterly fucking ridiculous.

    If you want to separate agency and consent from biological imperative, then the reverse is also true - if I'm ovulating and want to be pregnant, any penis-having individual has an obligation to provide me his seed in any way I want, on demand. I am therefore allowed to reach into whatever set of breeches I spot and help myself to a load. And all those wankers better get ahold of themselves, because spilling that seed is an affront to the biological purpose it's created for; cums only for procreation, please.

    Are you mad?

    In nature everywhere, females choose their partners, and fight off mates they don't find suitable. I've got a uterus, doesn't mean it's open for gestating anybody's foetus. I've got mammaries, doesn't mean I'm obliged to nurse every infant.

    Your kink is non-consent. I get it. You want to be the public pump, that's all well and good, Gemma. But do not expect to spout off with this drivel and have anybody agree with you.
    • Like Like x 4
    1. View previous comments...
    2. thinskin
      Surely if I am fucking Gemma and we both agree it is a fuckhole then we have consensus as we are the only ones using it at that time?

      thinskin, Sep 19, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
    3. submissively speaking
      And as long as she consents to your fucking you aren't raping her.
      Tattooed rob likes this.
    4. thinskin
      I am talking about whether it is a fuck hole or not……..perhaps Gemma has a fuck hole but you do not sub?;)

      thinskin, Sep 19, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
    5. submissively speaking
      I've already spoken to this. Call a vagina whatever you want, ts.

      Your label does not erase any woman's agency.
    6. user 326
      Actually, NO.

      You engaged her, submissivelyspeaking, by talking about her indirectly. All she did was respond to you.

      Then you got yourself into a huff with the whole "You really want to do this with me?" shit when in reality she was merely responding to you.

      You then went on to insult her multiple times, including implying she's a guy. She's posted multiple verification pics as far as I know so I'd say you owe her a damn apology for that but we both know you'll never give her one.

      But hey, never let facts get in the way of a good story.

      Imma just keep reading people who make worthwhile posts instead. But I damn sure wasn't going to see you attack another person then try and claim otherwise without saying anything.
      user 326, Sep 19, 2018
  4. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    They do. One British woman in Greece made a career out of it, with 8 sucessful claims.
    What is justice for sex with a bigot?
  5. aussiebabe77

    aussiebabe77 Porn Surfer

    Jan 8, 2014
    FUCK! one woman did it!!!! therefore it happens all the time. yep, perfect logic there!
    But hey- they fucked her in the first place, I guess they consented to a rape charge against them.
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Awe fuck!!!
      Thanks Gemma!!!
      You just fucked up my ninth claim:laugh:
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 18, 2018
      aussiebabe77 and GemmaSwinger101 like this.
    2. GemmaSwinger101
      False Rape Scams are not a victimless crime.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
      thinskin and 'Charisma' 10151 like this.
    3. 'Charisma' 10151
      As I said...
      Awe fuck!!!
      My ninth victim has just got away✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
    4. thinskin
      Thank fuck for that!!;)

      thinskin, Sep 19, 2018
  6. icedfire

    icedfire Sex Lover

    May 18, 2018
    @GemmaSwinger101 you’re position truly troubles me. As a rape survivor, what you are implying is beyond twisted. All women have the right to decide who they wish to be intimate with. Its not a simple fuck hole. Did you not study biology? Sex is only one of the many uses a vagina has.
    As a rape survivor I did NOT decide to be raped by someone I had no emptional regard for, the experience was painful physically as well as mentally. I still struggle to form lasting londs with men because of what happened to me. My first experience of sex was to be raped. By your deranged line of thinking it was perfectly acceptable for this man to do this to me. And Im just somehow ungrateful for wantig to be recognized as more than a “fuck hole” That is some truly sick ways of thinking. Its not just an inconvience
    In my case it caused me never to be able to bare children, because if the damage caused. But who cares right? Because women are fuck holes.
    The fact I woke up screaming last night relieving my trauma, who gives a shit? Because women are fuck holes. You clearly are clueless about the subject and have some twisted fantasy about rape. Believe me until you’ve been through it you have ZERO clue what you are talking about.

    Also furthering your line of stupidity, bdsm, punishment and sex dont belong in the same sentence? Are you fucking nuts? Bdsm is the ultimate form of respect for your partner. The level of trust between a Dom and a sub is unlike anything vanilla couples ever experience. Doms will stop everything and I mean everything soon as a safeword is uttered. Subs are the ones that control everything. Only what the sub allows happens. The limits of each individual is written out in contract form before any “play/ sexual encounter” happens. Limits are there for a reason, they are never oushed ignored or pushed, but respected as boundaries not to be crossed. If it wasnt for bdsm I would be incapable of having a sex life at all. So maybe get yoir facts straight before spouting more crap. You clearly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. GemmaSwinger101
      Damaged by a fuck is unlikely unless you are phobic against it in the first place. So should all support it's perpetuation then?
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
    2. Altern8
      If your being raped,, you are against it you fool,, you really are not right in the head @GemmaSwinger101
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
    3. thinskin
      Whether Gemma is right in the head is not the subject of this thread or did I miss something?

      thinskin, Sep 19, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
    4. GemmaSwinger101
      Not true Altern. Just non-concent and as it is a pleasure zone attitudes can change, mid-fuck so to speak.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
  7. 'Charisma' 10151

    'Charisma' 10151 Living The Dream

    Sep 21, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Altern8
      The only prejudice is people thinking rape is ok,, after all it's only a fuckhole like you say
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
      wlmaster75 likes this.
    3. 'Charisma' 10151
      Beware the kinky ones...
      For they are those that judge loudest and harshest✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      wlmaster75 and GemmaSwinger101 like this.
    4. thinskin
      Erm!! Pardon me Gemma but not all the kinky ones!

      thinskin, Sep 19, 2018
    5. 'Charisma' 10151
      Just like not all Brits find whiskey and tea an abhorrent mix
      Variety is the spice of life✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      Altern8 likes this.
    6. GemmaSwinger101
      Not all the kinky but they do seem overrepresentated.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
  8. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    BDSM is abuse and substitution for normal sex.
    Did I consent to your abusive words? Do you care?
    I have been raped enough to know it is just a fuck.

    And why the ad homen attacks? It is about Germaine Greer's views...and experience. Why the automatic victimization then - is that your normality?
  9. Altern8

    Altern8 Porn Star

    Sep 23, 2017
    You know I just looked at its profile,, I didn't know this,,, I'm embarrassed that, it's, English I say, it, because I'm sure a real woman wouldn't have, it's, views
    1. submissively speaking
      I don't think there's anything very accurate in that profile. And I'm quite sure English is not her first language.
      Altern8 likes this.
    2. Altern8
      I sincerely hope so,, trust me we Brits are nothing like IT
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
    3. GemmaSwinger101
      Did you look through my albums or flunk it?
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
  10. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Okay, fine, I'll say it again as I have many times over the years...

    Show us your dick!

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 2
    1. Altern8
      I was just thinking the same
      Altern8, Sep 18, 2018
  11. Heywood123

    Heywood123 Porn Star

    May 2, 2014
    How about this? We will go ahead and say rape isn’t assault. As long as we can also say that ripping a mans genitals off and shoving them down his throat isn’t an assault either. Because that’s what the women that I know will do if you touch them and they don’t want you too. And I’m not kidding.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. icedfire

    icedfire Sex Lover

    May 18, 2018
    No my normality is to understand females have equal rights to sexual contact. Any deviation from this outlook is actually viewed as a mental illness fyi. Clearly you enjoy being the center of attention with your vile vitrol, however us sane people think youre a joke. A twisted, sick joke that should seek mental health help. Ive walked in your shoes, thinking a fuc is a fuck and I probably deserved it, but one day Inpromise you, when you least expect it something will happen and you’ll be right back in that place in that helpless state and it wont be so easy to be flippant. I only hope you get help before you go down the path I did. Flaming out in a blaze of glory, with suicidal tendencies. Thats what your idea of females are fuck
    Holes causes. Ive turned my life around, got myself help and am mentally in better place. My story could have ended; but it didnt, because I was smart enough to realize I was worth something more than being just a fuck hole. I hope you can find and make your peace. Because right now, your opinion and judgement is way off.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
    This thread got everyone heated. Raised some blood pressure!!!! Rape is rape. Even if you gave consent at first and say no or change your mind and they keep going it is still rape. But there is a thin line between rough sex and crossing the line. I have allowed a few to cross it. Did i give consent? No. But did i allow it? Yes in a way i did. But i still do not consider my holes fuck holes. I want to be respected.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. GemmaSwinger101
      Are your feet for walking on?
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
    3. Sweetpassion
      My feet can do sexual things too. I can give one hell of a foot job. :p
      Sweetpassion, Sep 19, 2018
    4. GemmaSwinger101
      They do not self lubricate to enable sex.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
    5. Sweetpassion
      What the fuck does that matter?? This thread is quite fucking weird. I am laughing.
      Sweetpassion, Sep 19, 2018
    6. thinskin
      How many times do I have say?

      Grease it!

      thinskin, Sep 19, 2018
      Sweetpassion likes this.
  14. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    There is a difference between sex and mutilation murder. BTW.
    As for the frigid serial killers you associate with - rather you than me.
  15. Heywood123

    Heywood123 Porn Star

    May 2, 2014
    Funny you bring up serial killers. Tell me how do you think most of them get their start? And yes big difference between sex and mutilation but very little difference between rape and mutilation.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      How have we gone from Germaine Grear to serial killers!!???
      We are not even on Page 2 of the thread!!?
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
    2. GemmaSwinger101
      Rape is just unauthorised Sex. It is Sex, and Sex criminalized.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
    3. Heywood123
      Rape has nothing to do with sex. And a lot of serial killers start out committing rapes.
      Heywood123, Sep 19, 2018
      Hush and submissively speaking like this.
    4. GemmaSwinger101
      Rape is only the sex. You have deviated from the law.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
    5. Hush
      No... it is not. Just because you post some ridiculous nonsense that your man child brain imagines justifies your little fantasy you like to perpetuate, doesn't make it rule of law.

      Frankly, if you lived up to half of what you like to preach, you'd be dead. I know this because UNLIKE YOU, I have been raped many times. Not pretended.

      Hush....an alias
      Hush, Sep 19, 2018
      Sweetpassion likes this.
  16. icedfire

    icedfire Sex Lover

    May 18, 2018
    Preach! Almost makes one embarassed to be British, almost!
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Altern8
      Yeah almost, but I suppose every country has it's idiots
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
      submissively speaking likes this.
    2. GemmaSwinger101
      Preach is the appropriate word.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
  17. 'Charisma' 10151

    'Charisma' 10151 Living The Dream

    Sep 21, 2017
    Almost but not quite my dear fellow...
    I think we should discuss this...
    Just us Brits...
    Over a cup of tea maybe?✨:laugh:
    • Like Like x 3
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    2. Altern8
      No just been in the army for 23 years,, keeps you warm on a cold night,lol
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    3. 'Charisma' 10151
      23 years??!!!
      You do deserve a medal!
      I did 24 years for the NHS... got the scars to prove it...
      But whiskey in tea???
      That’s bad!!!!
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      Altern8 likes this.
    4. Altern8
      Yeah 23,, still got 2 to do, then it's retirement for me,, and yeah I've got the scars too, a leg and back full of them,lol,, but thats life
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
    5. 'Charisma' 10151
      I burnt out before I could hit that golden retirement age of 55...
      13 more years prostitution of my soul was too much for me to bear...
      So I take my scars....
      Leave the pension on hold and dump my pimp
      But as you say...
      That’s life✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      Altern8 likes this.
    6. Altern8
      I'll only be 45 when I demob,, so I'll find something to do,, might put some of my training to use @Charisma'10151
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
  18. icedfire

    icedfire Sex Lover

    May 18, 2018
    Agreed no self respecting Brit would pollute their tea in such a manner
    • Like Like x 3
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    2. Altern8
      Your profile says manchester
      Altern8, Sep 19, 2018
    3. 'Charisma' 10151
      Essex should declare a State Of Independence
      It’s Britain but not as we know it....
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      Altern8 likes this.
    4. GemmaSwinger101
      What does Greer's say?
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    5. 'Charisma' 10151
      Fuck knows!!!???
      Who is she again??
      Some feminist... British... yeah?
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
    6. GemmaSwinger101
      Well, she is now.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
  19. aussiebabe77

    aussiebabe77 Porn Surfer

    Jan 8, 2014
    hahaha- I love the turn this chat has taken
    • Like Like x 1
    1. GemmaSwinger101
      Nasty and nonconcentual, you mean?
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    2. 'Charisma' 10151
      Oh no!!!
      Just unequivocally British✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 19, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
  20. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    Not everyone got overheated by the subject material, personally speaking that is...
    You only have one fuck hole given by nature, and it is a fuck hole.
    • Like Like x 1
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    2. GemmaSwinger101
      It is what it is, regardless of denial.
      GemmaSwinger101, Sep 19, 2018