DealHunt: Deals & Coupons 4+

Niels van Straaten

Entwickelt für iPad

    • Gratis



Find the Best Offers on Temu with DealHunt!

Discover the ultimate shopping companion with DealHunt. Access the hottest deals and save big by snagging handpicked offers tailored just for you. Enjoy exclusive savings with our meticulously curated discounts and coupon extravaganza. Never miss out on an offer again in your favorite shopping categories!

Why DealHunt?
- Exclusive Deals: We’ve sifted through Temu to bring you the most lucrative deals, both with and without coupon codes.
- Personalized Notifications: Stay in the loop with custom push notifications. Select your preferred product categories and receive alerts about deals that matter to you.
- Comprehensive Search: Looking for something specific? Use our in-app search function to find products and deals swiftly.
- Stay Ahead: With DealHunt, you’re always one step ahead in the savings game.
- Handpicked Deals: Our experts choose the best offers on Temu, ensuring you get the best prices every time.
- Custom Push Notifications: Tailor your deal alerts by categories you’re passionate about. From electronics to fashion and home goods, you’ll only get notified about what interests you.
- Seamless Search: Effortlessly find the items you want with an integrated search feature that connects you with Temu’s vast selection.
- User-Friendly Interface: Navigate through deals comfortably with our sleek, intuitive design.

Save smarter and shop better with DealHunt!
Embark on a personalized deal-discovery journey and take your Temu experience to new heights. Ready to unlock the door to the great savings haven?
Download DealHunt now and join a community of savvy shoppers who never pay full price!

*Disclaimer: DealHunt is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Temu. All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.*


Version 1.0.2

Bug fixes and improvements


Der Entwickler, Niels van Straaten, hat darauf hingewiesen, dass die Datenschutzrichtlinien der App den unten stehenden Umgang mit Daten einschließen können. Weitere Informationen findest du in den Datenschutzrichtlinien des Entwicklers.

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Mehr von diesem Entwickler

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Widgelytics: Social Widgets
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PixelMagic: Photo AI Tools
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Wallify Lock Screen Wallpapers
Grafik und Design

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