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  1. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    I suppose, I could be the only one thinking this thought, every time I see a post from Dr.Fluff, however, curiosity has me wondering.
    Could it be that the good Dr.Love lives on an entirely different planet, where he is the go-to guy, for every issue that has to deal with the opposite sex and their refusal to meet his ideal criteria? Is it just me, or does anyone else wonder what the hell is wrong with him, but can't help wanting to (at least verbally) slap him upside the head?
  2. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    What can you do with idiots but try to ignore them.
  3. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    I tend to ignore him mostly...it just seems amazing that he draws people in with his questions, getting the rise out of them that he desires, spouts off absolute and complete nonsense (quite like Dilbert Gentlepussy used to) and so many react to him over and over and OVER...

    oh...reporting in for my curly wurly Sir
  4. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Okay, that 8 inches of pure lady pleasing temptation is right here in bed with me.:rolleyes:
  5. Kriss-Kross

    Kriss-Kross Sex Lover

    Jun 15, 2011
    Most virgins question everything about the opposite sex. Not knowing how to act or perform, their inquiries are like a child incessantly asking "are we there yet?" Dr. Love appears to be that child.
  6. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Issues,, several unbalanced issue that character has.:confused:
  7. michael saint

    michael saint Porn Star

    Jan 9, 2009
    I'm not sure if he is a youngster or someone that lives in his mums basement, I also think that his threads suggest a complete lack of knowledge about things female.........But I suppose that's true of most men........:(

    Some of the replies amuse me and I will admit I have tried to respond sensibly a couple of times.
  8. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    All very astute observations - virgin, living in the basement. Honestly, why does he question everything that has to do with women, and not what has to do with man-kind? I think he might be a fema-phobe. You know, like a homo-phobe but with females?
  9. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    I did too, when he first started posting...but his replies are so....what's the word I'm lookin for....not anchored in reality...and he generalizes everything from the stand point of his own little, obviously inexperienced, pea brain.
    Yet, time and again he'll post a thread (mainly bashing women) and pretty much everyone has seen or interacted with him to the point of exasperation but will still feed his need for attention....:cool:
  10. michael saint

    michael saint Porn Star

    Jan 9, 2009
    I am guilty of not really noticing him, I mean if you had made me guess in the dark, I would have said that he had started maybe 10 threads instead of the actual 62 ........:eek:

    In my defence I have only posted in 10 of them......:rolleyes:

    Looking through them it does seem like they have a negative tone towards women.
  11. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    I imagine if he had the opportunity of being with a fine woman as yourself, he'd cream his jeans and scurry off embarrassed at his sexual incontinence.
  12. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007

    Why do women question the good intentions of Doctors trying to figure out their problems?:rolleyes:
  13. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    That would be a misogynist then.
  14. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    at the rate he's going, he'll have a thread count higher than Martha Stewart's guest room sheets....

    and yes Michael, he does post negative towards women by insinuation...which is fine...I just wondered if anyone else had the same thoughts...
  15. Suze3221

    Suze3221 Her Crankiness

    Oct 2, 2008
    At least most of his thread garner a lot of interest, unlike this one.
  16. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    I think "he" is quite funny at times - mostly, unintentionally so. I've tried to prod him in a few different ways to see what kind of thought processes are behind his 'persona', but I think he's a genuinely stunted person that's doing a fairly decent job of asking questions (however leading they may be) that many people never ask themselves.

    More importantly, I wonder why others would be so invested in the light-headed ramblings of an online stranger that it caused the sort of emotional reaction in evidence in this place? :confused: I say enjoy the amusement that comes with his absurdity! :excited:
  17. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    Just hijack the threads he starts with new and unrelated topics like umbrellas, bananas, or how to tie a proper half windsor.
  18. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    Is that anything like "Vagina envy" ?
  19. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    You got it, Doll! Quack takes any negative characteristic that pops into that empty space between his ears and directs it towards women.

    Fema-phobe, love it! :rose:
  20. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    what did you say? oh wait never mind.